Shout out to all my single readers, this is for you!
Why does it seem like singleness is such a struggle, and contentment is such a myth?
We live in a society that thrives on #relationship goals; but what about #singleness goals. Don't get me wrong there is nothing evil about being in a relationship, but it seems to me like contentment in singleness is a lost art.
John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly." Christ came to give us abundant life; meaning life without emptiness or lack of value. However the enemy wants to take that from us (abundant life), and he will use ANY tactic that he can. There is a lie roaming in our generation that says we are not enough without a relationship; and that we need someone to give us abundant life.
"I want to travel but I'll wait till I have a husband.”
"I would love to buy this but I’ll just wait till I have a man to buy it for me.”
"If I had a boyfriend, I would go out more."
Shall I go on?
I'm speaking the truth from my own journey. You don't need a love interest for abundant life, you need Christ for an abundant life. Discontentment comes from the devil, he wants you to believe that you are not enough! But I have great news for you! You are enough for God, and he is enough for you. All you need is him, everything else in life is a bonus.
Matthew 6:33 says." But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." You see, discontentment is an ever losing battle, and a heart issue. When your discontent nothing will ever please you. But with God! Your cup will overflow with joy, peace, and satisfaction. There is nothing wrong with wanting a relationship, but the moment your desire for a romantic relationship exceeds your desire for a relationship with God,
"Houston we have a problem!”
I challenge you to write down a list of what you want in a spouse, pray over the items, and stop stressing. Don't try to do anything in your own power, let God take control.
Remember Abraham in the bible? God told him that he would have a son; however, Abraham looked around at his circumstances and doubted God's word. He and his wife were old and had little faith. So Abraham and Sarah took matters into their own hands, and Ishmael became a result of their disobedience. They attempted to go ahead of God and make a counterfeit of God's plan for their life.
How many of us have done that? Gone ahead of God instead of kneeling at his feet and allowing him to work? When your discontent, you block out the peace of God and become the master of your life. Wheater it's lowering your standards because you doubt that there's a man of God out there for you, going out with someone who you know isn't the one, or simply plotting a plan to get a man yourself; going ahead of God is never the answer.
Discontentment will never allow you to sit back and let God move. But contentment gives you the strength to believe that God's will over your life, is better than anything that you could ever imagine. And if that means that you have to wait a while for Mr. Right, well it's worth the wait.
God has called you to fearlessly live for him, and pursue whatever it is that he has put on your heart. When your chasing purpose you will align with destiny; so don't worry about missing out on anything, God has you right where he wants you. Your calling only requires God's guiding hand and your obedience, honestly you don't need to be in a relationship to move mountains. With or without a love interest you are more than capable of serving God with your gifts, and through your calling.
I believe that our discontentment displeases God because it sends him the message that he isn't enough for us. However God is beyond what we need, and we are blessed to have such a caring, loving, and forgiving father. Let focus on what the father's heart desires, and chase him. Discontentment doesn't hold a candle to abundant life!
I pray that you thrive in your single season because it is the most vital season of your life!
