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  • Writer's pictureBlessing Finesse

Your purpose!

Updated: Sep 19, 2020

A person may have many ideas concerning God’s plan for his life, but only the designs of His purpose will succeed in the end.

- Proverbs 19:21

Hello friends! We are living in the last days, Jesus is coming soon! It is more important than ever that we live the lives that we were called to live; holy, pure, and full of purpose!

In case you were wondering why it’s so important for you to live out your purpose...

  • You were called, created, and chosen for such a time as this!

  • There is a gift that you possess that God wants to use for His glory!

  • There is an anointing on your life that must be captured by the hearts of many!

  • There is a voice that you carry that people must hear at this moment!

Now Is The Time for you to live out your purpose!

You were made for a purpose, you are here for a purpose. You’ve been chosen for God’s good works, and divine plans. However, nothing can happen without the sound of your YES. So, will you accept the invitation, and fully surrender to God’s plans? Or will you hold back, hide from your calling, and miss out on all that God wants to do in your life?

Now I can't discuss divine purpose without mentioning Esther (Am I right?!)

Esther didn't initially see her position in the palace as an opportunity, Nor did she see her life as a vehicle for God’s great plans. It wasn't until Mordecai hinted at the fact that she was on Earth “For such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). That Esther charged towards purpose and changed her tune, later uttering the words “ If I perish, I perish..” (Esther 4:16). You see my friend, purpose changes everything! The moment you learn why you're here, you excel and accurately live out the life that you were created and called to live.

So here are some keys to living out your purpose...

Walk in authority

When Esther realized that she was here for more than just cute looks and fancy living. She shut down the plans of the enemy and walked in greater authority. The enemy knows why you’re here, in fact, it scares him. You’re a threat to his demonic kingdom and he will try his hardest to defeat you. But don't allow intimidation, fear, confusion, or inadequacy to scare you out of your purpose. Because you’ve been given the power and authority to defeat the enemy. As you walk in your purpose remember that you're not walking alone, God is with you every step of the way. He will fuel you with the energy, wisdom, and grace necessary to fulfill the plans that He has for your life. So claim and use the authority that God has given you to unapologetically pursue your purpose.

Remember that it’s bigger than you

You are a part of something bigger and better than yourself! Your purpose is larger than you'll ever know! God pieces together every moment of humanity to sing a greater tune, write a better story, and paint a more beautiful picture than we could ever create ourselves. Our lives intertwined form something beautiful, an anthem of His goodness, and a story of His glory. Lastly, you are a touching point for Heaven, there are people on this planet that may never hear about Christ unless you walk according to your purpose. God used Esther to rescue her people from Haman's plot, and He wants to use you to save His people from Hell! So don't oppose or run from your purpose! Instead, consider the lives that will remain untouched if you stray from it.

Don't leave your position

Hey! Don't walk away from the position that God has placed you in. The same way that Esther was strategically placed in the palace is how God has placed you where you are today. You could've been anywhere else but God decided to place you here. So don't fall out of alignment, don't resist where God has put you. Truly speaking, the safest place that you’ll ever be is in alignment with God. So be a team player! Align yourself with God’s plans and purposes for your life, and don't lose focus or grow weary. Instead, grow where you’ve been planted, trust me you won't regret it.

Your circumstances don’t limit God

Oftentimes we see our circumstances as barriers or roadblocks; But God sees them as details in His great plans, and elements of His blueprints. Esther was a young orphan girl who was raised by her cousin Mordecai, but that didn't stop God from promoting her. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or where you’ve been, God can and will use you. So freely run towards your purpose and don’t allow anything to hold you back. And If you're not sure what your purpose is, don't freight. As you continue to live according to the precepts and principles in God’s great word, you’ll gain more clarity on why you're here. Just continue to pray and seek the Lord, He will make it quite clear.

Prayer for purpose:

God, I want to please you with my life, and walk in your ways. Please reveal your plans and purposes to me. I know that I could do things my way, however, I want to do them your way. Strengthen me and give me vision as I move on this journey. Please guide me as I walk in purpose, I look forward to the fulfillment of your plans, amen.

If you have yet to accept Christ as your savior, then consider this an invitation!

Jesus died to restore hope, freedom, and joy to the world. If you would like to leave the kingdom of darkness and enter the kingdom of light, then recite the prayer below!

Prayer for salvation:

Dear Heavenly Father, I cast aside every weight, barrier, distraction, and sin, as I fully surrender my life to you. Have your way in my life, and be pleased by how I live, freely and holy for you. I'm no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God! I now recognize you as my savior, amen.

Welcome to the kingdom, glad to have ya! ; )



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