“ Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God ”.
- Hebrews 12:2
“Never give up”, we've all heard it before! However that statement is easier said than done, the reality is sometimes giving up appears to be the better option. But I can guarantee that giving up isn't the way to go, endurance is the key. God grants us endurance so that we can make it through this life, fearlessly. God is all-knowing and he holds our lives in his hands, so we should never doubt that he is preparing us for greater things. We WILL face tests and trials, and we will also have harvest seasons. In each season we have a reason to thank God and an opportunity to learn. The more that we understand this, the less eager we will feel to rush ahead of time. Sometimes it seems like we're suffering instead of seizing the day, but there are keys to battling the mundane. We must remember that there is a bigger picture, trust God, rest, and repeat.
Christ rejoiced in his victory before he even suffered and died on the cross. I don't know about you, but if I knew that I was going to be martyred I wouldn't be rejoicing; in fact, I would probably begin to stress out and feel anxious. We need to be like Christ, he rejoiced in advance because he recognized the significance of his suffering. Although he knew that pain was approaching, he also believed that God's plan was more important than being comfortable. Remember that when Christ died on the cross, he felt the pain like any other human would've. Every cut, wound, and scar was a symbol of his love for us, and although it was unbearable it was the will of his father. I pray that everyone that reads this is cognizant of the fact that seasons come and go. Every difficult, challenging, and laborious period in your life will pass. But as long as your doing the will of the father, it's worth it. Always recall amid a storm that there is joy on the other side of the struggle. Sometimes it's easy to focus on the negative things in life, but God has graced you to be in the season that you're in! As long as you're still here take advantage of the challenges that are before you. In the book of Genesis, we read that God rested after His six days of creation. If God needed rest; we can assume that we also need rest.
Let's Refer back to Hebrews 12:2!
“...and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God". Notice how Christ was seated after he completed his task when we read the bible we see that throughout his time on earth Christ was praying, fasting, and communing with the father regularly. His moments with God were for fellowship and refueling, but he never forgot his mission or his purpose. He understood the importance of rest and knew the difference between rest and being finished. We must be intentional about how we rest, and when we choose to rest. Not resting enough can be dangerous, but resting too much isn't productive. Recall that Christ’s life wasn't a cakewalk he was persecuted and mocked constantly, but he endured those moments. By the time that he faced his major trial (the cross), he had endured so much already! When all was said and done he sat at the right hand of the father, what an honor. Don't you want to be rewarded for your endeavors here on earth?
“Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ if indeed we share in his sufferings so that we may also share in his glory.”
- Romans 8:17
If we're coheirs with Christ, doesn't that mean that we have to be like Christ? Christ wasn't threatened by suffering, he was geared towards advancing the kingdom and we should be too. Since we are co-heirs with Christ that means that we will suffer for the kingdom as well, we won't have to endure a cross but we will have to point people to the cross; and sometimes that can be quite challenging. But thank God for the Holy Spirit! The Bible tells us that he is our teacher and that he provides us with peace (Colossians 3:15). Which will make it easier to do God’s work.
I have to keep it real with you! There are various battles that you and I will face in this life. But you will be equipped for every trial that you meet (Ephesians 6:17). Any ounce of suffering that you may face won't be in vain, there is a purpose for your pain. Christ was an optimist, he definitely chose joy in every conflict. There is power in joy, it allows us to endure what's yet to come in our lives.
If you ever find yourself growing tired of your routine, try to switch it up, but don't take life for granted. Take time each day to unwind even if it's only for half an hour. Remember to never lose touch with the Father and continue to seek him, you will get stronger. Lastly, don't forget that God sees the bigger picture, so let him take the lead. When we go on to glory God will wipe away every tear from our eye! Because the suffering will be over and the glory of God will fully be revealed
(Revelations 21:4), But until that day remember to endure!
